The Executive Connection

The Executive Connection ( provides ongoing learning and development for CEO's. TEC was founded in the USA in 1957 and today has members throughout the world. Its mission is "to increase the effectiveness and enhance the lives of CEO's."

Ralph Wollner is Chair of TEC 18, which is based in Melbourne. TEC 18 draws it members from the services sectors (professional, health care, and human resource management), the building sector, import/distribution, and the not-for-profit sectors. Members range in age from 30 to over 60. They comprise owner/founders, as well as the heads of divisions of multinational and listed companies. The annual turnover of TEC 18 members` companies range from $5m to $130m.

Some of the benefits TEC 18 members describe include:

Improved decision making:TEC provides a supportive peer group that together with the Chair actsas a sounding board; this fosters lateral thinking and in-depthanalysis.

Increased accountability:Members are accountable to the Chair and the group, and both maintain astrong emphasis on following through and implementing actionsundertaken by members.

Personal and professional growth: TEC groups hold workshops on major business and personal issues.

Overcoming isolation: It can be lonely at the top! TEC provides a safe house where members can "discuss the undiscussable".

Managing change: TEC members share their experiences and learn from each other.

Ralph individually mentors each member on a monthly basis and members also meet as a group once a month.

Contact Us if you are interested in learning more about the work Ralph does with The Executive Connection.

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